If you've been dreaming about locally made preserves, fresh baked goods and lusciously green plants and produce, then you're in luck! On Sunday, June 7 The Forks Farmers' Market is having its grand opening with over 30 vendors, entertainment and giveaways. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Forks Farmers' Market will be up and running for you to enjoy from June until September.

Check out local crafters, get some starter plants from pop-up greenhouses or find some unique preserves and treats from bakers. Every Sunday is a little different with an ever-changing list of great vendors to see. For a full listing of who is on site,
click here.
At the grand opening, we've got some of our fantastic Buskers stopping by to entertain you, including Drum Café, Double Trouble, and the Teakle Circus Performance. There is also free face painting and cookies for kiddos at the customer service booth.

If you come early enough, we are also giving away free starter plants and flowers to the first 50 customers!
And if at the end of the day you find yourself with too many purchases to carry to your car, don't worry because we've got you covered. A pedicab will pick you up from the customer service booth and take you to your car, free of charge.
So keep calm and market on!
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