Less than 48 hours- that's all the time that Red River College's Graphic Design students will get when they are working on their piece for the 13th Annual Forks Market Student Art Show and Auction this weekend. Talk about a time crunch.
Mackenzie, Allan and Adria are all going to be there on Friday and Saturday to showcase their talent. We asked them to share their process leading up to the event and how they're doing.
My immediate thought about the event was, "Oh, a 7 day school week." This was with little thought to how the event would actually play out. But, after we got more information and saw pictures from past years Art Auctions, I realized it would be an exciting opportunity. I also recently developed an appreciation for cheese boards and red wine, but I swear that has nothing to do with my enthusiasm.
In terms of art and design, I have an inclination towards creating digitally. Despite this, I enjoy the challenge of being outside my comfort zone doing traditional pieces, especially with the public watching.
My anticipation evolved into excitement after I completed my rough-draft piece for the event: an intricate design in the form of a wolf. I got a lot of positive feedback on it, so I'm looking forward to completing it at the Forks. I was told we're allowed to bid on our own art, so if I'm feeling particularly attached to my piece I might just end up bidding on it myself.
Outside of school hours, I know a lot of us spend additional time doing our design projects. We're all artsy in our own different ways - some of us indulge in video games, movies, books, music. My personal weaknesses are music (Soundcloud is my kryptonite) and video games. Some of us also work part-time jobs, because we need money to buy coffee, tea and all the other fuel that enables us to manage a 41 credit hour semester while still (somehow) having a life outside of school. (Just kidding, we don’t have lives.)
2nd Year Graphic Design Student, Red River College

I am excited and a little nervous for the Art Auction. Excited because it will be a great to see all the work that will be created by a lot of talented people. And to also be part of the experience and being creative with a group of people. Having friends and family around to see you do something that they know you enjoy. Getting a chance to be with all these talented people creating art while the public can see our process. And that is also why I am a little nervous. Most people I know feel a little nervous when someone is watching them make art and this will be on a bigger scale. You don't want to make a mistake or sometimes it feels like you are when someone is watching you go through the steps. Who knows though, it could also be a good way to help us get rid of that fear.
2nd Year Graphic Design Student, Red River CollegeThe piece that I am doing for the show is going to be an acrylic painting on canvas. The background of the painting is going to have a wood grain texture and the foreground is going to be a white bicycle. I am doing the bicycle because Winnipeg has a very large biking community and I think that it would be a popular piece.
Post-graduation, I see myself working as a graphic designer, hopefully doing advertising. Advertising interests me because it is an opportunity to really express your work and show the brand at its fullest potential.
2nd Year Graphic Design Student, Red River College